Acupuncture is considered to be one of the branches of a comprehensive, natural health care system of east asian medicine, and has been used in Asian countries for over 3,000 years to preserve health, diagnose, treat and prevent illness. The ancients discovered that there is life force energy (Qi pronounced “chee” in chinese, “kee” in japanese, and prana in sanskrit) that flows throughout our bodies through meridians or channels. According to this system, these meridians are associated with specific physiological systems, organs and energies.Through tongue, pulse, abdominal palpation diagnoses, we can diagnose the state of harmony or disharmony of the flow of energy through the body.
With the impulse of acupuncture needles on specific points of these meridians either through touch or puncture, the energies can flow freely again and the body’s self-healing mechanisms can be activated to bring the body-mind-spirit into harmony & alignment.
An acupuncture treatment is often combined with other methods including: Moxabustion, Massage, Cupping, Gua Sha and others. Read more about other modalities.
According to WHO (World Health Organisation), acupuncture is effective for the following conditions.Musculoskeletal disorders
- Arthritis, rheumatic conditions
- Jointpain (Hip, Knee, shoulder,etc.)
- Back pain (acute & chronic)
- Tendonitis, Tennis-Elbow
- Neck and Shoulder pain/tension
- Injuries, traumas
Gynecological disorders
- Menstruation disorders (premenstrual, menstrual pain or symptoms)
- Irregular menses, Peri-/Menopausal syndrome
- Infertility, Pregnancy and post-partum support
Digestive disorders
- Diarrhea, Constipation
- Bloating, irritable Bowel disorder
- Appetite problems, Nausea, Vomiting
Psychological disorders
- Diarrhea, Constipation
- Bloating, irritable Bowel disorder
- Appetite problems, Nausea, Vomiting
Respiratory disorders
- Allergies, Asthma, Hayfever
- Bronchitis, Colds, Flus
- Cough, Sore throats
Complementary support for
- Improving vitality, strengthening the immune system
- Alkohol,Nicotine, and Drug addictions, chronic disorders
Other disorders
- Improving vitality, strengthening the immune system
- Alkohol,Nicotine, and Drug addictions, chronic disorders